CPRE North Devon Seminar, Goodleigh, near Barnstaple with Sir Nick Harvey MP 28th Nov 2014

Goodleigh village hall was packed this morning for our seminar with special guest speaker, Sir Nick Harvey MP for North Devon.  Dr Philip Bratby, our renewable energy spokesman was the first speaker, and he outlined the technology behind wind and solar power; Bob Barfoot, our Chairman, explained the planning process and Paul Adams MBE from Defend and CoVop outlined the situation regarding new housing and the NPPF.    Sir Nick Harvey MP provided an update on the latest Government policies and responded to robust questioning from the floor.  Bob Barfoot said: ‘we are very grateful to Nick Harvey that he was able to join us. Renewable energy applications are still of great concern to local people who feel that their voice is not heard by those who make the ultimate decisions.  But new house building in the countryside and the scale of proposals also raised questions as our local authorities prepare their local plans’.
