Devon’s Best Churchyard Competition 2018

Devon’s historic churches play a pivotal role in our rural communities and form a unique part of our cherished landscape. After all, they are the only unchanged places in some parishes since Saxon times. Churchyards therefore provide ideal habitats for our precious wildlife.

CPRE Devon are pleased to announce a new competition for 2018 to determine ‘Devon’s Best Churchyard’.

The competition aims to recognise and reward Devon’s churchyards which are well managed to provide both a peaceful haven for people and wildlife. We encourage entries from churchyards of all denominations. With a top prize of £200 available, details and an entry form are in the links below.

churchyard competition 2018

Entry Form Churchyard Competition 2018

So if you think your churchyard is good for wildlife and/or is a special sanctuary for people, please enter our free competition!