News from North Devon – Litchardon Cross Solar Farm and Redevelopment of the Former Yelland Power Station Site – 28th April 2021

Two massive and controversial planning applications were on the agenda for the North Devon District Council Planning Committee, 28th April. After a four and a half debate about the proposal for a huge development, which includes 250 houses, on the beautiful Taw Estuary at Yelland, the committee voted to defer the decision. There had been 800 objections to the application and only 2 in support, yet the planning officer had recommended approval. We have always strongly opposed the scheme and were pleased to be able to address the committee meeting.

The application for Devon’s largest solar farm to date at Litchardon Cross, was next on the agenda, and despite all the objections and three of us speaking at the meeting in opposition to the proposal, the committee voted unanimously to permit the application in line with the planning officer’s recommendation. We are completely dismayed by this decision. There could be an enormous impact on people, wildlife and nature. The scale of this solar farm is completely unacceptable. We need to protect our countryside, wildlife and the natural balance – we destroy it at our peril.